About Us

Welcome to our cozy garden spot in beautiful Brookings, Oregon. We're a small family who loves gardening and cherishes our connection to nature. Our journey into electro culture started when we discovered the magic of copper shovels! They made such a difference in our garden! Curious about their benefits, we explored further and found a whole new world of innovative gardening techniques.

Excited to share our newfound knowledge, we decided to create a welcoming space for fellow gardening enthusiasts. Our little family project blossomed into a community hub where people gather to swap ideas and learn together.

At our garden oasis, we believe in nurturing both the soil and the spirit. Everyone, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned gardener, is welcome to join! If you need advice and want to dive into sustainable gardening methods, we're here to help.

As caretakers of the land, we're dedicated to respecting nature and embracing new ways of gardening responsibly. Each plant we grow and every lesson we share adds to our legacy of beauty and respect for our environment.

Come join us on this journey of discovery, one copper shovel at a time. Our garden family is waiting with rich soil, plenty of laughter, and endless possibilities. Welcome!