The benefits of copper garden tools: Viktor Schauberger's "The Copper Concept"


Viktor Schauberger was an early 20th Century Austrian forester, naturalist, and inventor who developed a unique theory concerning the importance of copper in soil health and its impact on the vitality of ecosystems. His theory, often referred to as "The Copper Concept," revolves around the idea that copper plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance and fertility of soil.  In Schauberger's view, modern agricultural practices, such as the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, disrupt the natural balance of copper in the soil, leading to degradation and depletion of soil vitality. He advocated for more holistic and sustainable approaches to agriculture that prioritize the preservation and restoration of soil health, including the careful management of copper levels through the use of copper tools.

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According to Schauberger, copper possesses unique properties that enable it to act as a catalyst for biochemical processes in the soil. He discovered that the presence of copper promotes the transfer of life-force energy to the plants, facilitates the breakdown of organic matter, enhances nutrient absorption by plants, and encourages microbial activity essential for soil fertility.

Viktor Schauberger believed that copper tools could positively impact plants and soil health due to copper’s uniquely beneficial properties.  According to Schauberger's observations and theories:

Biocatalytic Properties: Schauberger proposed that copper tools possess biocatalytic properties, meaning copper tools can facilitate biochemical reactions crucial for soil and plant health. When copper tools come into contact with soil, they improve the bio-availability of life-force energy, they enhance microbial activity and nutrient cycling, they promote the breakdown of organic matter, and they enhance the release of essential nutrients for plant growth.

Enhanced Root Growth: Schauberger suggested that copper tools stimulate root growth and development in plants. This enhanced root system allows plants to access nutrients more efficiently and increases their resilience to environmental stressors such as drought and disease.

Electromagnetic Effects: Schauberger also theorized that copper tools interact with the Earth's electromagnetic fields in beneficial ways. He believed that copper could help balance and harmonize the electromagnetic energies present in the soil, thereby creating a more conducive environment for plant growth.

Reduced Soil Compaction: Copper tools, according to Schauberger, exert less pressure on the soil compared to iron or steel implements. This reduced compaction allows for better aeration and water infiltration, creating a healthier soil structure that supports microbial life and root growth.  In addition, copper tools move through soil with less resistance compared to iron and steel implements, making digging and ploughing much easier. 

Resistance to Disease and Pests: Schauberger suggested that the use of copper tools could help plants develop a natural resistance to diseases and pests. By promoting overall plant health and vitality, copper-treated soils may deter harmful pathogens and insect pests, reducing the need for chemical interventions.
